Thoughtfull thought

Life is going to beat you up , it wouldn't be fair if you don't throw some punches back..


Alpha is basically the first letter of greek alphabet. But when it ties up with a personality trait it becomes a more kind of important thing in our modern world. In our social hierarchy highest ranked individuals are sometimes designated as the ALPHA.
we often seek google for understanding, google says, "An Alpha male(females can have their own alpha female) is who takes charge, one who imposes his will on others, not the other way round. Other men want to be him, women want to be with him. An alpha male intimidates, he is unquestionably in charge, no matter what the situation, an alpha male is loud, brash, doesn't care what anybody else think.
Nowadays people trying to take their level to a concocted "ALPHA LEVEL" , find nothing but affliction.
In reality being alpha is not only about showing your capabilities, influence, domination or intellect but mainly being resourceful to yourself. 
Leading your life in Alpha way means owning every shit of your life. I'll depict this entire scenario in these points: 
1. Have a subconscious understanding about what is going inside your brain and how you can deal with it.
2. Be purposeful, try to transmit these vibrations.
                  "SUCCESS IS BEST WHEN IT IS SHARED" Howard Schultz
3. Don't get engage in malicious gossip, back stabbing and being two faced, show your value to your friends.
4. Have a sharp pivot for your emotions.
5. Don't try to please everyone, don't be afraid to say NO.
6. Take your decisions ingrainedly.
7. Never be in thrall to your conditions.
8. Acknowledge your weaknesses, improve yourself.
9. Be tranquil.
10. Live by these four virtues of Stoicism : 
10.1. Courage
10.2. Justice. 
10.3. Moderation. 
10.4. Wisdom.
"Be tolerant with others and strict with yourself" ~ Marcus Aurelius.

Being ALPHA Being ALPHA Reviewed by Harshit on 09:42 Rating: 5

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