Thoughtfull thought

Life is going to beat you up , it wouldn't be fair if you don't throw some punches back..

How to prepare for UPSC Civil Service Examination.

Hey everyone, here are some tips for the preparation of UPSC Civil Service Examination.
So, the exam is conducted over three stages- the preliminary (pre), Mains and the last stage Interview. First of all, in this field, time management is only key to unlock the gates of UPSC. So firstly we require the proper time schedule, determination, strategies, logics and over all quick thinking. 
Before the preparation, familiarize yourself with the extent of the syllabus, so you can start structuring your study plan accordingly. Each stage of UPSC has quite large syllabus. 
Here are some known books for the preparation suggested by toppers-

▪️NCERT books from  middle to high school on science, biology, economy, geography. Make short notes and revise them.

▪️ History of modern India

▪️ India's struggle for independence

▪️Indian Economy- Ramesh Singh

▪️Indian polity - Laxmikanth 

▪️Science and technology- A. Singh

▪️Indian art and culture - Singhania

▪️ India after Gandhi: The history of the world's largest democracy - Ramachandra Guha (Mains)

▪️Indian Heritage, Culture, History and Geography of the World and Society (Mains)

▪️ History of the modern world

▪️ India's National security, internal security,  Disaster management (Mains)

▪️Lexicon for Ethics, Integrity and Aptitude 

▪️Previous 20 years IAS Prelims (CSAT) General Studies Solved Papers

And many more..
There are many free mock tests available online to examine your preparation. These can help in getting all your gears in action as required on the day of the exam. It is essential to keep up a regular habit of writing, reading, analysing, and examining, a content which helps you a lot. Read newspaper, stay updated with all the current happening around us. 
We hope you will indeed take your IAS Preparations very seriously. The first step towards that is obviously the choice of subjects. Do choose them wisely.

All the very best..

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Special credits :  Anjul Vishwakarma  
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